Tag: racism
Democrats Continue Fight For Segregation
Racist Student Mob Attacks Professor Who Objected to Event That Discriminates Against Whites

(HeatStreet) Evergreen State College students have berated a professor and called for his resignation after he objected to an event where white students were asked to leave the campus for a day.Read More
Black Supremacy Rules The Day
Black University of Chicago Students Demand Segregated Housing

A black supremacist student group at the University of Chicago has published a list of almost 50 demands, including the creation of six separate racially-themed academic departments and race-specific segregatedRead More
Berkeley To Battle ANTIFA Violence By Offering Them ‘Laughter Yoga’, Singing and Bubbles

The anti-American City of Berkeley has floated the idea of setting up areas for “fencing with sponge noodles” or “laughter yoga” (among other things) and having “quiet conversations” with “anti-first amendment”Read More
Black Supremacist Symone Sanders Declares: “We Don’t Need White People Leading . . . Right Now”

Black, racist, liberal Symone Sanders told the sham news outlet, CNN on Wednesday, “We don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now.” The black supremacist party of identity politics apparentlyRead More