Tag: human trafficking
474 Arrested, 28 Sexually Exploited Children Rescued During Statewide Human Trafficking Operation: LASD

Hundreds of people were arrested and dozens of sexually exploited children and adult victims were rescued across California during a statewide operation to combat human trafficking, the Los Angeles CountyRead More
Bill Reads Like Child Traffickers Wrote The Legislation
Beginning Jan. 1, Prostitution By Minors Will Be Legal In California

Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right. SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under theRead More
The Real Reason Gaddafi was Assassinated by the West?
Gaddafi and Berlusconi Deal Ended Human Trafficking in Benghazi . . .

“Libya was a human trafficking center with human trafficking mafia based primarily in Benghazi. A billion dollar a year industry. Mainly African migrants transported first to Lampedusa, Malta & Italy.Read More