Tag: FBI
Jeff Sessions Confirms Prior Appointment of “DOJ Prosecutor” to Parallel IG Horowitz, NOT a Special Counsel

(Conservative Treehouse) There has been a great deal of consternation, directed toward AG Jeff Sessions surrounding the ongoing FISA abuse scandal and the larger issues of unlawful DOJ and FBIRead More
Spying was done by the FBI
FBI, CIA & NSA Have Known For 2 Years About Illegal Wiretapping

The light is finally being shed on the Deep State and it’s most powerful members. Their illegal, anti-american, globalist plans are being identified. Thanks to federal whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, we haveRead More
Warning: Bogus FBI Film Company Masquerading As Journalists

Attorneys for Cliven Bundy and Gregory Burleson have shown in court that the FBI created a bogus film company called Longbow Productions, tricking many defendants into making “boastful, false and potentially incriminating statements”Read More
Podesta Touts Conspiracy Theory in Attempt to Divert Revelations About His Child Rapist Associates

Just a month after John Podesta called claims of a “rigged” election “delusional,” Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman is now suddenly crying for a select group of electors to receive an intelligenceRead More