Wikileaks: How The CIA Hacks Your Mac: Sonic Screwdriver v1.0 User’s Guide
1. Introduction Sonic Screwdriver is a mechanism for executing code on peripheral devices while a Mac laptop or desktop is booting. Normally, an Apple Firmware Password prevents alterations of the boot path. Sonic Screwdriver’s mechanism for executing code will allow a user to boot to a USB thumb stick, DVD/ CD, or external hard drive even when a firmware password is enabled. The code for Sonic Screwdriver is stored on the firmware of an Apple Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet adapter (see Figure 1.1). The implant code will scan all internal and external media devices for a device with a specific volume name. This includes USB thumb drives, CD/DVDRead More
WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 “Dark Matter” . . . CIA Projects That Infect Apple Mac Firmware
Today, March 23rd 2017, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 “Dark Matter”, which contains documentation for several CIA projects that infect Apple Mac firmware (meaning the infection persists even if the operatingRead More
None of the leaks came from the Russians
Wikileaks: Clinton and Podesta Emails Were Handed to Them in a Park by DNC Staffer Not Russia
We all want to know if it was Seth Rich . . . Excerpted From The Daily Mail: A Wikileaks envoy today claims he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C.Read More