Democrats Believe in Alternate Reality Despite Zero Evidence
Thanks To Fake News Most Democrats Think Russia Manipulated Vote Totals to Help Trump

(Heatstreet) Well, so much for Democrats being the more enlightened American political sect. It looks like the media’s overuse of the phrase “Russia hacked the 2016 election”has taken a real toll onRead More
Warning: Bogus FBI Film Company Masquerading As Journalists

Attorneys for Cliven Bundy and Gregory Burleson have shown in court that the FBI created a bogus film company called Longbow Productions, tricking many defendants into making “boastful, false and potentially incriminating statements”Read More
Death Rattle Of Mainstream Media: Corporate Outlets Now Labeling Each Other “Fake News”

Thanks to CNN and BuzzFeed, a war now rages among corporate media outlets, a true study in irony, as the New York Times and Guardian hurl accusations that the two outlets are guilty of publishing Fake NewsRead More
Globalists Hijack US Presidency
Obama Birth Certificate is Fake. US Government & TV Media Lose Any Remaining Credibility

After 5 years of detailed investigation, impartial world famous private investigators have proven without a doubt just how corrupted the United States government has become. The obvious forgery has been coveredRead More
Paedophiles Rule the People
US Executive and Legislative Branches, Media & Hollywood Child Rape Ring Exposed #PizzaGate

There seems to be overwhelming evidence that pedophilia rings are within the top levels of the United States government, Hollywood and the Media. They seem to be using pedophilia asRead More