Is the Federal MOB prepping for a false flag

So the question becomes since they still hold the levers of power. How do they cover up their crimes against humanity?
I hear people saying what is on my mind daily.
What kind of false flag (planned and practiced operations to Frame your perceived enemy for a crime you carry out).
What is the deep state prepared to do to cover up their crimes and retain power?
The question should be. What are they not willing to do?
Biden has already warned us. Putin will not stop and will attack a NATO Ally. No one with any sense and knowledge about the events leading up to and during the conflict in Ukraine believes a word of it!
However, we see the face (puppet), Biden, telegraphing the next Globalist move. A false flag against Poland, Georgia, etc. claiming Russia attacked a NATO Ally,
Then bring Ukraine, Georgia, and others into NATO, and WWIII is on!
Then while at war they will make their move here against all political opposition!
You have no fear of being held accountable if all of those who can or seek to are imprisoned or dead!
Like the Jan 6 political prisoners,. We see no shortage of traitors and criminals in the Federal MOB to do just that. Neither do they care about appearances of real Justice or credibility any longer it seems.
It seems like they feel empowered by Lying to our faces and forcing their will on us while Gas-lighting us.
I would strongly suggest people start getting serious about organizing and preparing to take care of each other. Lean how to thrive not just survive outside their system.
Because they have been preparing to force you out of it. Demonize you, criminalize you, then starve you and kill you for decades.
They have written about it. talked about it, Gave lectures about it, and even engraved it in Stone.
But first, they need to turn our sons and daughters against us or replace them with illegals who are more than happy to do their bidding if the price is right.
Or kill off all of those who are loyal to We The People in some foreign land before they shut off the lights and begin operations here.
Man do I want to be wrong!
I produced this song 7 yrs ago and pray it is not coming true!
But no matter what we will see what God does through and for His people in the process like never before.