What is Regulation “Z”?

The following is an extract from article #2028 by Anna Von Reitz dated October 4, 2019.
…New banking rules were adopted to protect the Private Property that was being leveraged in this system — the so-called Regulation Z, which is an international banking and securities regulation that was adopted (under force) by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and which resulted in the Consumer Protection Acts including the Truth in Lending Act.
Private Property is supposed to be protected by attaching “Z tags” to it. The clueless bill collectors and revenue agents patrolling our streets are supposed to recognize the tags if they recognize nothing else, and are supposed to be told to leave cars, homes, land, etc., displaying the proper “Z tags” alone.
In this country, because we have two foreign subcontractors at odds with each other, we need two kinds of “Z tags” to accomplish this same function.
We need a white “Z” with a black background to waive off Municipal bill collectors, and a black “Z” with a white background to waive off Territorial bill collectors.
The idea was that it was outrageous enough that they were using your assets to profit themselves and forcing you to pay the Municipal Government’s debts under False Pretenses — without also endangering your actual property and making it subject to seizure for failure to pay THEIR debts.
Like all the other remedy that was supposed to be yours, none of this was ever explained. To this day, the bill collectors and revenue agents remain largely ignorant about what a “Z” tag means. In some states like Alaska, highway patrolmen know enough to leave cars carrying a “Z” tag alone.
…And to top it off, they never explained “Regulation Z” to you, so the one remedy that remained, the thing that was supposed to be a Fail Safe to protect your Private Property from being stolen under False Pretenses, was never actually made available to you, either.
Start plastering “Z” signs, white on black and black on white on your homes and automobiles, and everything else you don’t want stolen. Start explaining the situation to your family and friends. Pigeon-hole the ignorant corporate “Sheriffs” and “Judges” and “Court Clerks” and Highway Patrolmen. Give them a copy of this article so they all get a nose-full and can’t wishy- washy around and pretend that you ever knowingly, willingly agreed to any of this Bushwah.
You can read the full article at this link: http://annavonreitz.com/bigfraudinsimpleterms.pdf
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