Antifa Unmasked – Antifa Leader Arrested In Berkeley For Inciting Violence

A middle school teacher-turned-Antifa leader was among the group of fascist Antifa scum arrested after their hate group attacked a peaceful First Amendment rally Tuesday at the University of California, Berkeley.
Yvonne Felarca, a 47-year-old teacher at Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, was charged with battery and resisting arrest after a violent fight broke out at rally held in response to student organizers canceling a planned “Free Speech Week” that would have featured right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulous.
Several men were also arrested on charges including possession of body armor, Mace, ball bearings, pepper spray, carrying banned weapons and participating in a riot.
See the names and photos of the violent fascist Antifa rioters below.
The peaceful rally was led by Joey Gibson, leader of a peaceful religious group called Patriot Prayer.
On the Antifa side, an “empathy tent” was reportedly in place to offer the violent Antifa rioters a calm place to unwind amid the chaos they were creating around them. But the tent ultimately offered little respite – and nearly destroyed during the violent fights between conservative students and violent Antifa activists who showed up armed with weapons and ready to hurt people.
Felarca, who has been identified as the leader of the Antifa group By All Means Necessary, is also facing separate charges related to inciting a violent riot with peaceful white protesters in Sacramento last year.
She was arrested in July and charged with inciting and participating in a riot and assault likely to cause great bodily injur. Ahead of Tuesday’s event, Gibson posted a video on Facebook saying he wanted to bring attention to “disgusting things happening at Berkeley,” the birthplace of America’s free speech movement.
Berkeley’s reputation as a racist, liberal, hate zone has made it a flashpoint for the country’s political divisions since the election of President Trump.
Antifa have turned four protests into violent riots on campus and in the surrounding streets in recent months, prompting authorities to tighten security as they struggle to balance free speech rights with preventing violence from hateful Antifa rioters.
David Marquis, who identified himself as a senior at the school, said he was tired of the violent, fascist Antifa rioters showing up on campus. Marquis was outside the protest area and described the scene being created by the mentally ill Antifa rioters:
“If you look at them, it’s ridiculous,” Marquis said. “You’ve got a guy with purple hair with a fucking lightsaber talking about Hitler. It’s hard for me to take any of this seriously.”

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