Democrats Believe in Alternate Reality Despite Zero Evidence
Thanks To Fake News Most Democrats Think Russia Manipulated Vote Totals to Help Trump

(Heatstreet) Well, so much for Democrats being the more enlightened American political sect.
Republicans overwhelmingly reject this latest conspiracy theory. Only 12 percent say it’s “probably true” and a mere four percent say it’s “definitely true” that Russia changed the presidential election results by tinkering with vote totals. Independents concur, with 42 percent saying it’s “probably not true” and 26 percent saying it’s “definitely not true.”
In case you need a refresher: There’s absolutely no evidence or even suggestions of evidence that Russia messed with state and local voting machines. Any questions over Russian interference comes down to who was behind the hacking/leaking of Democratic National Committee e-mail accounts. Even here, there’s no evidence of criminal conduct by the Trump campaign, although there are growing suggestions that some members of Trump’s campaign may have been in conduct with Russian officials.
Not a single government official has floated the theory that Russia somehow manipulated ballots of vote totals. Instead, Democrats are falling into the same derangement syndrome that always impacts the supporters of minority parties. Problem is, instead of accusing President Obama of being a crypto-Muslim or calling for an investigation into the death of Vince Foster, we’re talking about a sizable portion of the country essentially declaring the latest presidential results null and void. It’s one thing to say “not my president,” it’s another to believe that we have an illegitimate president all together.
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