Berkeley City Council Lead By Racist Mayor Jesse Arreguin Bans Anyone Working On Border Security Wall

Any businesses that participates in building the United States’ security border wall won’t be working on contracts with the city of Berkeley California. The overtly anti-american Berkeley City Council lead by the openly racist mayor, Jesse Arreguin, UNANIMOUSLY voted Tuesday to stop doing business with any company that involves itself with the United States Security Wall. The measure includes boycotting any company or person that designs, finances or works in any way on the project, as well as the contractors who construct the wall. Every single Berkley City Council member voted against securing the United States border against islamic extremist terrorists and voted to punish anyone who wants to protect the citizens of the United States from those terrorists.
The White House budget plan released Thursday calls for a $2 billion down payment on the wall. It’s one of the single largest investments in the plan, but will likely cover only a portion of what Trump has said he intends to build.
“Our city is one that is known for breaking down walls, not building them,” Mayor Jesse Arreguin told the Express. Despite the fact that it was the mayor himself who encouraged hateful university students to build a virtual wall in order to keep a Republican from speaking at the campus.

Once the federal government accepts contracts for the design and construction of the wall, Berkeley staff will compile a list of all companies involved and ban the city from working on contracts with those businesses.
Berkeley is the first city in the U.S. to pass such an anti-american and blatantly racist law, but it may not be the last. A well-known hate monger who lives in New York City, Letitia James, says she also wants to cut off companies from doing business in New York that help build the structure. Oakland also introduced similar legislation Tuesday morning, led by liberal racist Council Member Abel Guillén, who says cities should use their financial and social “leverage” to punish anyone helping protect the United States border and protect our citizens.
The federal government recently extended its deadline for bids for the wall, with no date for a formal RFP notice. Kriston Capps at CityLab reportedWednesday on the difficulty of finding companies to work on the project:
“More than 700 companies, most of them small and lacking in significant experience working for the federal government, have attached their names to the list of interested vendors. But the foundation for Trump’s border wall is shifting like the sands of the Chihuahuan Desert. Even as DHS fiddles with the language of its early notice, political maneuvers may be raising the cost of participating in the bidding process higher than any firm can bear.”
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