You Got A Friend Request From A Beautiful Woman? . . . You’re About To Be Scammed.

Have you received a Friend Request on Facebook from some unknown, but beautiful woman? Watch out because you are probably about to be scammed. It goes something like this:
You receive a friend request from some unknown beautiful woman, usually an asian woman.
You accept.
Immediately, the unknown woman wants to chat with you and ask you how you are doing.
She invites you to chat via Facebook Messenger.
She flirts with you and eventually gets you to send them some type of “Dick Pic.”
She then suddenly reveals herself to be a scammer and threatens you. If you do not send money to the “charity” of her choice she will send your “Dick Pic” to all of your Facebook friends.
This scam apparently works because the scammers have not been caught and they continue with the charade. Here are some go the most recent Fake Facebook Accounts that will Scam you. This list will be updated on a daily basis so check back here often and send tips to
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