Leaked Video: BLM Aggression At Bundy Ranch

Video includes body cam and dash cam footage…
A video surfaced on the internet yesterday showing leaked body and dash cam footage from the Bundy Ranch Protest. The video assembles a concise timeline of how events unfolded, using previously unseen footage from agent’s body cameras and patrol vehicle dash-mounted cameras.
In the video, agents can be seen mocking protesters and joking about who or what they should shoot first. Instructions to keep long guns either slung or out of site came from the Sheriff’s office. Agents ignored that directive and raised their weapons at protesters.
The content of the video speaks for itself. This is only a fraction of what the government does not want anyone to see. Agent Daniel P. Love and the rest of the BLM are culpable for the escalation of tension at Bundy Ranch. This video shows a portion of that truth.
We need you! Please help us get this to Trump and Sessions TODAY!!!!!! This video shows who the true aggressors were in 2014 and should set the prisoners free. But we need your help getting Ted’s truthful video into the right hands. We don’t even know this man but are thankful for the time he put into making this clear video of what really happened. The raw footage in this clip will SHOCK YOUR CONSCIENCE!!!!!! WARNING: There is graphic images and vile language from the agents directed at the protesters.
Please take less than 5 min and go to the white house web site and simply copy the message below:
Dear Mr. President and Jeff Sessions,
You are being called upon to act on behalf of the American people. This video contains all the PROOF you need to exonerate the prisoners in Nevada. This is your police force and BLM agents. This will shock your conscience! Is this who you believe should carry guns and hold power over the people of this nation? “Shoot now and ask questions later” is what one armed agent says in this video.
Please visit link and watch video. The abusive Bureau of Land Management to the Bundy Family and the peaceful, concerned Americans. Many men have been in jail, no bail for about 1 year. Trial just started and these brave patriots are not guilty!! Please watch this video and then act by setting the political prisoners in Nevada free.
Link to video:
Political Prisoners denied bail for a year, awaiting trial for the Bunkerville Standup:
Cliven Bundy
Ammon Bundy
Ryan Bundy
Mel Bundy
Dave Bundy
Greg Burelson
Gerry Delemus
Scott Drexler
Todd Engel
Rick Lovelien
Micah McGuire
Joe Oshaugnessy
Eric Parker
Ryan Payne
Pete Santilli
Steve Stewart
Jason Woods
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