Liberal Principal Sends Hate Mail To Parents Over Election Of Donald Trump

The liberal principal of a New York City private school says the election of President Trump is worse than the September 11, 2001 demolition of the 3 World Trade Center buildings and the attack on the Pentagon which slaughtered over 3000 people.
Steve Nelson, a hateful liberal principal of the Calhoun School, fired off hate-filled emails to innocent parents mocking the president of the United States. In the hateful email he also claims Trump’s election will be more devastating than Vietnam, Watergate and the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. This paranoid schizophrenic behavior is worrisome to the parents of the children attending his private school.
“I walked the complex inner-city streets of Cleveland during the racial unrest of the 60’s,” he wrote in the email obtained by the New York Post. “I was in rural Georgia when Martin Luther King Junior was assassinated in Tennessee. I watched every moment of the Watergate hearings that led to the resignation of Richard M. Nixon. I watched soot-covered New Yorkers grimly trudging north on West End Avenue on September 11, 2001. I am more troubled now.”
The principal would have us believe that he was more disturbed by Trump’s election than the sight of New Yorkers falling from the sky or the Twin Towers collapsing onto the streets of lower Manhattan.
Just to put this in perspective, the principal believes President Trump is worse than the unknown assailants responsible for blowing up the World Trade Center buildings which slaughtered thousands of people.
The principal would have us believe that he was more disturbed by Trump’s election than the sight of humans falling from the sky or the three World Trade Center buildings collapsing onto the streets of lower Manhattan.
Principal Steve Nelson sounds like a deeply disturbed, paranoid schizophrenic who should not be around impressionable school children.
The Calhoun School’s only redeeming quality is that taxpayers are not forced to pay for this type of abusive hatred towards conservatives.
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