Descendants of US WWII War Hero Called Nazi's By Hate Group
Phoenix Urban Health Collective: Another Liberal Hate Group Spreading Lies
We stumbled upon another hate video by a Crtl-Left hate group, The Phoenix Urban Health Collective. In their Facebook video below, they falsely claim the descendants of a United States World War II Hero who served in the 35th Infantry Division, are Nazi’s.
Why? Simply because they rightfully, proudly shared a picture of their ancestor next to the Nazi Flag he had captured off a German Jeep in WWII. In the video you can see the lairs at the Phoenix Urban Health Collective, who have nothing to do with any type of healthcare or a collective, claim Lesa Antone, the granddaughter of the soldier, is a Nazi.
Obviously desperate for attention from their dwindling membership, they even titled their hate video #Nazis4Trump.
UPDATE: The above video was apparently taken down after massive protests against the hate group. We will leave this post up as a permanent record of their unfounded hysteria and hate towards innocent patriotic people who support President Trump.
The History of the 35th Infantry Division
The 35th Infantry Division arrived in England on 25 May 1944 and received further training. It landed on Omaha Beach, Normandy July 5–7, 1944 and entered combat on 11 July, fighting in the Normandy hedgerows, north of St. Lo. The Division beat off twelve German counterattacks at Emelie before entering St. Lo on 18 July. After mopping up in the St. Lo area, it took part in the offensive action southwest of St. Lo, pushing the Germans across the Vire on 2 August, and breaking out of the Cotentin Peninsula. While en route to an assembly area, the Division was “flagged off the road,” to secure the Mortain–Avranches corridor and to rescue the 30th Division’s “Lost Battalion” August 7–13, 1944.[8]
Then racing across France through Orleans and Sens, the Division attacked across the Moselle on 13 September, captured Nancy on 15 September, secured Chambrey on 1 October, and drove on to the German border, taking Sarreguemines and crossing the Saar on 8 December. After crossing the Blies River on 12 December, the Division moved to Metz for rest and rehabilitation on 19 December. The 35th moved to Arlon, Belgium December 25–26, and took part in the fighting to relieve Bastogne, throwing off the attacks of four German divisions, taking Villers-laBonne-Eau on 10 January, after a 13-day fight and Lutrebois in a 5-day engagement. On 18 January 1945, the Division returned to Metz to resume its interrupted rest.[8]
In late January, the Division was defending the Foret de Domaniale area. Moving to the Netherlands to hold a defensive line along the Roer on 22 February, the Division attacked across the Roer on 23 February, pierced the Siegfried Line, reached the Rhine at Wesel on 10 March, and crossed 25–26 March. It smashed across the Herne Canal and reached the Ruhr River early in April, when it was ordered to move to the Elbe April 12. Making the 295-mile dash in two days, the 35th mopped up in the vicinity of Colbitz and Angern, until 26 April 1945 when it moved to Hanover for occupational and mopping-up duty, continuing occupation beyond VE-day. The Division left Southampton, England on 5 September, and arrived in New York City on 10 September 1945.[8]
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