Muslim Parents Offended Their Kids Have To Recite The Pledge Of Allegiance
Wouldn’t it be a novel approach to do a story on what doesn’t offend Muslims? Perhaps then we could figure out why they’re even bothering entering America and European countries if “western culture” offends them so much.
According to Islamic activist group, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which is campaigning against Australia because they believe the country, is enforcing democratic values and a “disputed view” of history which contradicts Islamic beliefs.
“Requiring schoolchildren to sing the national anthem, and the citizenship pledge supporting democratic values, are a part of an oppressive campaign by Australian authorities of ‘forced assimilation’ of the Muslim community.”
Hizb-ut-Tahrir spokesmen, Unthman Badar said; Well, if there’s one culture that knows a thing or two about “forced assimilation” it would be Islam.
He continued; “That this supposed oppression is due to an “exaggerated fear of a security threat”. Obviously when “documented events” of world-wide terrorism inflicted within the last 2-decades has been overwhelming committed by Muslims in the name of Islam, the “exaggerated” fear, becomes all too real.
Moreover, when immigrants and or asylum seekers actually seek entrance into a benevolent host nation, it is with a reasoned understanding that those seeking entrance do so with an understanding that they will adhere to the principles, and or laws of that host country.
If those seeking entrance can not agree to abide by basic principles of respect, they should not be allowed to enter…it’s really that simple.
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