The Myth Of The Tolerant Liberals
During the 2016 United States Presidential campaign we all heard over and over again how hateful and intolerant the Donald Trump supporters were. Hillary Clinton herself claimed that when the right go low, we go high to resounding cheers of agreement from her few hundred supporters who were bussed in to attend her “rallies.”
Every day continues to be “opposite day” for the bleeding heart liberals who constantly accuse their enemies of the actions they themselves were committing. Never before has such intolerance, hatred and violence been perpetrated against fellow innocent countrymen. Never before have we witnessed such abusive and even criminal behavior towards innocent peaceful people with differing political views. So we have decided to make a collection of some of the best examples of the liberal lying, cheating, corruption and hatred towards anyone with a differing point of view to expose for all eternity the outrageous hypocrisy of the intolerant “tolerant left.”
Written by a tolerant liberal:
Trump Ball-Licker Phyllis Schlafly DEAD – A GREAT DAY for America
Republican racist choked on her own vomit and went to Hell today. Decent Americans celebrate her death while saddened that she croaked before seeing her worst nightmare – the landslide election of a woman President. She was a vile horrible bigot, racist and throwback to the 1800’s.
Schlafly, a delegate for the most recent Republican National Convention, had participated in every party convention since 1952.
A woman has been removed from an Alaska Airlines flight after berating the President Trump supporter seated next to her. Scott Koteskey – the man she confronted – filmed the incident and uploaded it to Facebook. The airline told the BBC the woman had insulted other passengers before boarding the plane, and that it stood by the employee who decided to remove her.
I am sure you all recall the story of the tolerant Hillary supporters who assaulted an elderly homeless black woman who was defending Donald Trumps star on Hollywood Blvd. The star had just been repaired after a rich, white liberal man destroyed the star with a pick-axe a few days earlier—no you can’t make this shit up.
Police attempted to subdue protesters outside in Anaheim, California, following a rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump. The protesters, whose gathering was deemed unlawful, were throwing stones at police.
We need to protect our children from hateful liberal professors like this one . . . time to drain the University Swamp. Can you even believe a University would hire such a hateful person who is against free speech. Time to get rid of tenure for sure.
“it whips people up into the kind of panic that accidentally ends up causing the chaos we want. You can say ‘all of Metro is being blockaded’ and people will stay home,” the Ctrl-Left liberal says.
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