Black Supremacist Symone Sanders Declares: “We Don’t Need White People Leading . . . Right Now”
Black, racist, liberal Symone Sanders told the sham news outlet, CNN on Wednesday, “We don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now.”
The black supremacist party of identity politics apparently isn’t going to look for the best person to lead the Democrat Party. Especially if the best person is white, at least not if Symone Sanders, the hard-left, racist, bigot and former spokeswoman for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign has anything to say about it.
“I think we need a robust discussion about this and I think we need to hear more from all the candidates,” The astonishingly open, racist Sanders told CNN’s Brianna Keilar. “Jaime Harrison of South Carolina, he’s great, too. He’s done real party building, but everybody doesn’t necessarily know Jaime and they want to know what he stands for. So I want to hear more from the millennials and the brown folks,” she finished.
The black supremacist Ms. Sanders obviously doesn’t want a Democrat Party that is for all the people. She wants the hard-left racist people in charge and that’s it. The Democrat Party has apparently been transformed from a national party to a hard-left black supremacist organization which is just remnant of the great party it once was.
“What do you say to the people who dragged a poor white guy out of a car and beat him?” asked Trump supporter Carl Higbie.
“Oh my goodness, poor white people! Please!” she responded. “Oh my– stop. Stop, Carl.” Simone Sanders screamed. The racism and black supremacy runs deep in her.
“That’s not protesting!” Carl Higbie replied. “Dragging someone out of their car are beating them is not protesting.” But Symone Sanders just can’t help but show no mercy towards disabled white people. Your status with Symone Sanders depends upon the color of your skin.
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