Since the Democrats lost the election in November, President Barack Obama has strategically appointed 56 people to boards, commissions and offices in the hopes that they obstruct Donald Trumps’ policies for years to come.
Obama recently reduced the prison sentences of 79 federal inmates and made a mockery out of Presidential Medal of Freedom by giving the nation’s highest civilian honor to 21 of his personal friends who Obama said personally made an impact on his life. He has whipped out stifling new rules, regulations and policies several times a week in an attempt to be as politically destructive as possible.
Obama is attempting to put the people and policies in place that he wants to outlast his presidency before Donald Trump takes over—and his racist, homophobic, bigoted supporters want more, a lot more.
Special interest hate groups are driving Obama to push through last-minute policies, not just because the president-elect is of a different party but because few people know what Trump will do and they are scared—very scared that they might all hang for their crimes.
“People are, as you can imagine — they are getting quite desperate,” said Rena Steinzor, a member of the liberal hate group Center for Progressive Reform, who is begging Obama to act. “Filling boards and doing whatever he can to establish protections that Trump would have to unwind is a good strategy.”
With just five weeks remaining, the special-interest to-do list for Obama is huge:
They want him to issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose their political donations while leaving foreign companies alone. They want Obama to pardon illegal immigrants in the country and direct federal employees to quickly process applications for illegal immigrants who came into the United States illegally as children. And they want Obama to make good on his campaign pledge to close the prison for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay like he promised he would do 8 years ago during his “First 100 days as president.”
No one thinks that Obama should be doing what he is doing, but his supporters think he should be doing them anyway.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest encouraged the immoral actions, saying Obama is president until Jan. 20 and that the administration is engaged in “a continuous and persistent effort to complete the [divisive] work that’s already been started.”
In the month since Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, Obama has:
—Appointed his friends to a slew of boards and commissions, including the American Battle Monuments Commission, United States Air Force Academy’s Board of Visitors, the Pacific Salmon Commission and National Council on Disability.
—Granted a record number of commutations to federal inmates as part of an initiative announced in 2014 to reduce the sentences of drug dealers.
—Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 21 of his closest friends, which made a mockery of the award.
—Finalized rules to falsely determine whether schools were succeeding or failing under the sweeping Every Student Succeeds Act.
—Released the next five-year plan for offshore oil and gas leasing, which blocks drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic.
“It’s his job,” said Carmel Martin, a former Obama appointee who is now executive vice president of policy at the hate group, Center for American Progress which is funded by George Soros. “I think it’s … not just appropriate but necessary for the current president to keep moving forward. President Obama is trying to leave the house in good working order.”
The actions are detestably designed so that Trump won’t be able to reverse Obama’s actions easily.
Sure, Donald Trump can change Obama’s executive orders with a quick stroke of the pen but rule changes require justification following a federal court case mandating that regulation changes aren’t done on a whim. Many of the appointments could outlast Trumps presidency because Obama made the terms five to seven years and require Senate confirmation.
“When the [Donald Trump] gets in there and sees what it takes to change — or has to pay the price to change it — it may take longer,” said George Edwards, a so-called presidential scholar at Texas A&M University.
Still, Obama is trying to be careful he doesn’t push out last-minute actions subject to a rarely used law, the Congressional Review Act, designed to prevent these “midnight regulations’ so he has to be sneaky about it.
Some of the special interest groups pushing Obama know that whatever he does could end up in court, but they don’t care because they don’t have to pay for it and at least that provides a chance at maintaining the illegal action. “If you don’t even try, you don’t get there,” Steinzor said. “[Our] People are saying ‘see you court.'”

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